
Client Testimonials & Success Stories

Dina Andre

Dina Andre

It would take me days if I were to speak of each golden bread crumb that was sprinkled along this new journey. Laura’s wisdom and confidence in the process, gentle coaxing to get to the truth, as well as her unfaltering bright light is what kept me from falling.”“I know…
Chris Murray

Chris Murray

“I was a blessing from above, and I don’t say that lightly.”
Jenni Arnold

Jenni Arnold

“I’m forever thankful for this container. The weekly mini-retreats, the heart-work the Voxer support. Laura and Miranda, you have deeply embedded your wisdom into my being. You encourage me to sit with myself just as I am; just who I am. Because you gave me permission, I gave myself permission.”“Laura…
Daniel Saxe

Daniel Saxe

“Thank you. I appreciate both of you… for what you have created and for your support. I just feel different, in the best of ways.”https://www.voxer.com/v/ed0660838d
Erma Cooke

Erma Cooke

“I came to CCA™ with areas of my garden where the ground needed to be tilled. The soil nourished, the weeds pulled, and new plants planted. I arrived with a vague idea about up-leveling my garden, knowing I needed to shift perspective on my work in the world. My plans…
Keeley Ward

Keeley Ward

“I am most excited to share with others that compassion starts with yourself first then others. That by giving to yourself first, through self-love, self-acceptance, self-care, you build compassion for yourself and in doing so you naturally have compassion for others.”“Your expert coaching skills have been right on point and…
Velma Matthews

Velma Matthews

“Loving yourself means accepting yourself, including your past. We all make mistakes and we all have regrets but there’s no reason to carry those mistakes with us until we die. We can live an abundant life.  We can be free. Life is much more fun and freeing once we accept our faults…
Jillian Vest

Jillian Vest

“I am enough. What I am doing is enough. I find myself standing here with my heart and soul wide open. I now feel whole, and because of this, this program is worth it.”“I am most excited to share with others that compassion starts with yourself first, then others. That…
Jen Kerkado

Jen Kerkado

Jen found Light After Loss™ through the Grief Recovery Method® work she had been doing on her family. It became evident Jen needed self-care to begin thriving again in her life. She had to focus on herself after giving so much to others and not “replenishing her own cup” after…
Molly Moran

Molly Moran

Eight years before finding our program, Molly’s parents were killed in an auto accident. Listen to her speak about her process in finding our Light After Loss™ program. “I found you at the perfect time for me, it’s never too soon or too ‘late.’ If you’re not ok with where…
Jacky Lamenzo

Jacky Lamenzo

Eighteen months removed from working with Laura and her team, Jacky reflects back on her time in the Light After Loss™ coaching program and gives a beautiful recap to what it was like to “do the work” on a previous romantic relationship.“I turned around my entire life.”(Watch Jacky’s full interview…
Betsy Ie

Betsy Ie

Betsy is a retired 30-year social worker who found us through The Grief Recovery Method® work.She has since dedicated herself to both The Compassion Code Academy™ and Surviving to Thriving™ programs, which has taught her self-compassion, language and given her confidence to support her clients no matter the circumstances.“I’m internally…
Jillian Vest

Jillian Vest

“Thank you so very much! So incredible. I think about this every day, of how amazing this program was.”Listen to Jillian talk about how Light After Loss™ helped after she experienced loss:https://vimeo.com/49259560 (Watch Jillian’s full interview here.)
Michelle Wade

Michelle Wade

In December 2019, Michelle’s husband passed away after 39 years of marriage. She was barely “surviving” when she was introduced to our Light After Loss™ program.“If you have the ability and the desire to do the work, or are even just wondering, it is so worth it.”(Watch Michelle’s full interview…
Michelle Wade

Michelle Wade

“Laura and Miranda Dawn encouraged, listened, guided, taught, motivated, and coached me. My growth and discovery are ongoing and evolving. And even though I am still not sure who or what I want to be when I grow up, I do know that just surviving is not enough.Self-compassion self-care and…
Aaron Sales

Aaron Sales

“When I joined the Academy I was looking for clarity, I was looking for happiness, and I wanted to improve my communication skills and I want to identify if everyone in my business was heading in the same direction. Looking back, as I set these intentions, it blows me away at…
Ed Owens

Ed Owens

“I now recognize that I deserve to be whole, I have the power to heal myself, and I truly see the value of play and taking care of me first.What originally brought me here was an awareness that I needed to seek out an expert to help me to be more…
Gwen Russo-Uss

Gwen Russo-Uss

I’m very grateful to have had the opportunity to go through this process!I would like to thank Laura for her encouragement and insight. For allowing me to feel safe and heard, and mostly understood. I want to thank Miranda Dawn for her presence and for our amazing compassion calls! I also…

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