
Laura Jack - Compassion Fatigue Speaker & Trainer

Professional speaker and trainer specializing in the topics of self-compassion, compassionate communication, and human connection.

Are Your People Suffering From Compassion Fatigue And What You’ve Tried Isn’t Working? The Exit Interviews Are Telling You That These People Are Burned Out And You Can’t Blame Them?

The good news, you and your teams don’t have to be part of the Great Resignation. 

As a Compassionate Communication & Leadership Coach and Consultant, International Best Selling Author and Speaker, I provide education, inspiration, and practical tools for teams who are struggling with burnout and compassion-fatigue so they can replenish their emotional resources, create more sustainability and longevity, and serve from a place of overflow rather than depletion.   

Reinventing Your Company Culture

Our world has changed a lot in a short time, so when leaders of organizations commit to building a more compassionate culture, it requires more than onsite services. This is the fork in the road that really separates companies who say they care about their people from those who demonstrate it with their compassionate leadership. Which one will you be?

Hear How My Customized Workshops
Impacted Recent Clients

Are you a team leader who provides customer, client, or patient care?

And you want to build a compassionate work culture by navigating brave conversations (workplace drama, personal hardship, decision making and delegation, etc.) more easily, confidently and effectively without compassion fatigue. Book a call to determine how we can support you. 

Are you a leader of an organization or corporation who values your company culture?

And you want to create cohesive, effective, and compassionate engagement with your employees, co-workers, and clients through inevitable changes that occur during reorganizations, mergers, inner-office turmoil, and an ever-evolving workplace. Book a call to determine how we can support you. 

Are you a school administrator or educational leader?

And you are exhausted from the constant barrage of complaints from teachers, parents, and even students. Everyone seems to be treading water, and you would love to know how to cope with these highly emotional  circumstances with confidence and compassion but without burning out? Book a call to determine how we can support you. 

Are you a physician or other health care provider?

Burned out? Cynical? Giving from empty? Being a physician or other health care provider involves more than just diagnosing and treating patients. Listening to patient and family complaints — hearing what is going wrong with so many — can sap your energy and suck you dry. It doesn’t have to be that way. Book a call to determine how we can support you. 

Corporate Clients Include

Let’s Do More Than Say We Care By Infusing Your Company Culture With Compassion ASAP!

Linkedin Recommendations

What Our Participants Are Saying

“It was an honor and a privilege to be trained by Laura Jack and here’s why… highly competent, deeply compassionate and intuitive, amazingly articulate, extremely knowledgeable, authentically interested and invested in each person and their journey and learning, committed to high quality training, devoted to her discipline… and she has a great sense of humor and is very personable.”

– Dayde M., Boeing

“Relationships are key in any corporate environment. Laura showed us how to build genuine, healthy relationships so we can find more connection and joy at work. She shared her compassion model as well as diving into key steps that we could take action on immediately. This isn’t a theory. This is real, practical advice for anyone looking to relate to others more effectively.”

– Lori Harris, Nike

“One of the most educational and heart-felt trainings I have ever attended. To now be equipped with specific effective skills to transform relationships is a true gift. Laura presents material in an interactive and easy to follow format. Her compassion is present in every lesson she teaches, and her story is simply inspirational.”

Trish Magnotta, Psychiatric Behavioral Health of NJ

Let’s Create a Culture of Compassion In Your Organization

2018 Award for Top 10 Life Coach in the Nation

The Compassion Code Academy™

The Compassion Code Academy™ is the flagship program of Laura Jack Coaching™.